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A member registered May 13, 2020

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This was really fun! The choices that inevitably led to my doom were frankly too good to pass up, so I ended up perishing a lot more than I expected, but hey. I really should have expected it. Otherwise, the paths in this game feel massive to traverse, and I can see all the hard work put into this game! Huge fan of all the different art styles. I'm looking forward to future updates!

so y'see, the little box things show up too. I'm not sure if I did the puzzles the hard way without kicking sideways or if this was an accident >_> because it seems pretty difficult to kick it sideways if it's on purpose

Funny little thing I managed to do.

So, I drove the scooter to that bench in the park, and in my confusion on how to get up (eventually figured out I gotta press the sprint button) I ended up getting on and off the scooter while still sitting down? So like, I'd be sitting, I'd jump on the scooter, I'd jump off and start sitting again and the scooter would scoot away, etc, until I got a nice screenshot of hangin with the bois:

Guess the hover trick wasn't impressive for the other guy. I could get back up again and it doesn't interfere with gameplay, just thought you'd like to see X3

I'm not sure if it's a feature to be able to walk out of the room into another during a fight, but I did that when fighting Overalls? because I really didn't want to fight him, but I wasn't expecting to actually be allowed to do that! Did I miss some content?